Saturday I ran the Hobble Creek Half Marathon! It was a blast! My sister Dani ran it with me! It was quite the morning! We woke up at 4:30 and had to drive to Mapleton city park where we caught some buses that shuttled us up 13 long miles up Hobble Creek Canyon to the starting line! We have been training long and hard for this and when we crossed the finish line it was so worth it! Thanks Chris and Mom for watching Annistyn when we ran the long runs! Annistyn was my little running partner in our jogging stroller for the short runs.....she's the best! Me and Dani after we just finished! I guess we shoulda taken pics BEFORE the race when we didn't look so roughed up! huh Annistyn and Chris waiting for me along the finish line! It was so great to see them cheering us on! My little running partner!
Yesterday was my Dad's Birthday! He is the best Dad ever! I can't tell you how grateful I am for my Marcus! He has ALWAYS been there for me! Thanks Dad for being such an amazing Dad and Grandpa! Your the best! Hope you had a great day! Love ya!
I've been a little behind on blogging this month! I've been so busy but here are a few things from July!
SILVER LAKE! So me and Chris bought this pack so we could take Annistyn on hikes and other outdoor stuff! We used it for the first time this weekend and Loved it! Best investment ever! So we ventured up AF Canyon and drove up to Silver Lake Flats and then from there hiked up to Silver Lake! It was so beautiful I couldn't believe it! It is so worth the hike! Chris jumped in the lake and said it was so cold! Annistyn loved the pack and it was so cute cuz the whole time she stuck her head out the side and put her hand on Chris's shoulder!(adorable) It's only about 5 miles round trip! So it's a good hike! If anyone wants to go me and Chris want to go again so let us know! ANNUAL HATCH FAMILY SCRAMBLE! Every Pioneer Day all the boys in my family go up to a golf course in Heber somewhere and have a golf tourny! There are prizes for the longest put, longest drive and other stuff! Anyways this year the two teams TIED! Haha Anyway the boys had a blast and Chris even spotted some nice bucks in one of the back yards by the golf course! We're sad we missed Tyson but he was out of town! BATH TIME! Baths with Annistyn have become very eventful lately! She is crawling now and is 90 MILES AN HOUR! So I feel like every bath now is a wrestling match to just get her chubby body washed! I was laughing so hard at her so I grabbed my camera and these are the only ones that weren't blurry from her moving so much! IT'S OFFICIAL! Tyson proposed to Dani and they are getting married on November 22nd! We can't wait we love Tyson! Dani thought Tyson was in Idaho for the weekend....our whole family went to Tepanyaki for dinner and cute Prince Charming Tyson just swooped in and surprised Dani and nelt down and proposed! It was the cutest thing ever!