I think our absolute favorite thing is to get in our sweats and watch a Red Sox game or a basketball game or something! It is just so fun to relax with eachother! Love it!
Also one random note.......This was my sista Dani's first hamburger in like 12 years! It was a monumental moment this week!
Gag...that is probably why I don't eat hamburgers...haha i look like a freakin fatty watty. also I love you.
Also I love baby!
ok i love you and the baby too! you are both the cuttest people ever!
K she is the cutest chunk I've ever seen! I love that girl. We've gotta play soon so I can kiss those fat cheeks!
um.. LOVE her. Her in her swimsuit I could eat her. You guys are the cutest little family ever. Email me your email so I can add you:) jemelton85@msn.com
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