How FABULOUS it is to have a little baby girl that loves shopping as much as her Mom and Grandma do! I love taking Annistyn to the mall shopping! We have so much fun!
Last weekend we went to Vernal! I know it sounds so freaken exciting huh! Haha well I had a volleyball ternament there so it was pretty fun! I definately lost my High School body! We played about 10 games and you should have seen me on Sunday morning......I was SOOO sore I had muscles sore that I didn't even know existed! It's sad! Anyway we stayed at a way fun hotel! Who would think Vernal would have a way fun nice hotel! Annistyn was so excited to have her own bed! She loved playing with the Volleyball too! She made me so proud!
B-Best Friends: Chris and my little Annistyn are definitely my best friends….couldn’t live life with out them! Also my sista Dani! We were inseperable all our lives! When we are together we laugh till we cry! Love her!
C-Cake or Pie: Umm….definately cake! Pumpkin cake preferably! I’ve had a Pumpkin cake for every birthday….All 22 of them!
D-Day of choice: I love Fridays cuz I just get way way excited for the weekend. Also Sundays…..we have late church so when Annistyn wakes up we bring her in our bed and just have a little slumber party with the 3 of us!
E-Essential items: Lets see ….I would probably have to say my husband! Chris keeps me sane! He always knows where my purse, keys, wallet, and the binky is! Gotta love him!
F-Favorite color: Green & Brown
G-Gummy bears or Gummy worms: Worms
H-Hometown: American Fork, UT…..GO CAVEMEN!
I- Indulgence: Hot soup, Cheese Cake & Home made bread!
J-January or July: July! I love summer!
K-Kids: My Sweet Annistyn Faith
L-Life is incomplete without: The Gospel, Family & Sports!
M-Marriage Date- March 10, 2006
N- Numbers of Siblings- 3, 2 Sista’s & 1 Brother
O-Orange or apples: Oranges!
P-Phobias or fears: I am terrified of the dark. Also Chris laughs at this one….I am so scared of the man holes on the sidewalks or streets……I NEVER walk over them! I swear they will give in and I’ll fall in!
Q-Quotes: “Keep trying, be believing, don’t get discouraged, things will work out!” - Pres. Hinckley
R-Reasons to smile: Watching Annistyn learn new things every day and watching her smile at dad when he walks in the door from work!
S-Season: Spring……I love to see all the flowers come up and I love it when it starts to get warm!
T- Tag friends: Nikki, Ashley, Jess Flake, Britney and Katie!
U-Unknown fact about me: I am a HUGE Boston Red Sox fan! Any one who grows up in Marcus’ house has got to be!
V- Very favorite store: Rod Works
W-Worst habit- I forget EVERYTHING!
X-X-ray, ultrasound or mammogram: Ultrasound for sure….they feel really good!
I really have nothing going on lately so I just found some cute pics! Annisty loves to watch Basketball and Baseball games with us! She gets really into them it's so funny! Why do babies love to be naked? Cousins! Annistyn and Derek are funny together!