I have so much to be thankful for this year! I am so blessed with a wonderful husband! He is so perfect and we have so much fun being parents together! He works so hard for our family! I love him so much! I can't even begin to tell you how grateful we are for our sweet Annistyn! She is the funnest little girl ever! She is my best buddy! She makes me laugh all day long! She is the busiest thing you have ever seen and its very exausting but I would change anything about her! She seriously is always so happy she hardly ever cries or wines! We love her so much! We love our familys so much and don't know what we would do with out them! How grateful we are to have the Gospel in our lives...where would we be without it? Probably runnin a muck somewhere! Well Happy late Thanksgiving and Happy Holidays every one!
All of us shootin!

Oh isn't he the cutest!

Anny and her cute kids! Anny won the Shot Gun Shoot!

Cute Tyler!

We were playing games and no one noticed that Annistyn grabbed this marker and was just sucking on it! Sick!