THE PRESENTS! Annistyn was so cute opening presents! You know how kids toys are packaged now! You rip all the wrapping paper off and then it takes 30 minutes to get the toy our of the packaging! Annistyn would just bounce up and down waiting for Chris to get every toy out! Thanks for every one who came....Great Gramma Ann, Cindy Lu and Marcus, Nate and Nikki, Corey and her best friend Derek of course! Annistyn loves her family!

Annistyn was so excited we couldn't get her to sit still for a pic.....actually I don't ever think I've seen her sit still!

"Open it Dad Open it!"

She loved it! THE CAKE! I got this darling cake at Flour Girls and Dough Boys! Annistyn loved it! She never gets she was stoked and thought she was in heaven! She really didn't get that messy until her loving Uncle Nate put her face in the cake! Thanks Nate!
one already?? wowie! Happy Birthday cute Annistyn!
So So cute!! I cant believe she is already 1
I can't believe you had her a year ago!! She is too cute! That close up picture of her with cake all over her face is AMAZING!!!
I love that girl! Give her a big birthday kiss for me! Call us and lets play soon! I think I've only seen that girl like 5 times in her whole life! We need to play more!
She is my most favorite little girl ever!! I HAVE THE CUTEST NIECE ALIVE!!
oh she couldn't be cutter!!!
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