We went to Star Valley last week and stayed in our Brother in Law's cabin. It was so fun! The boys went golfing a lot and us girls went with them once...it was quite the show. We went to Jackson Hole, and ate some yummy grub!
Jackson Hole! Nate & Jen Dani & Tyson Us Golfing The girls getting a few pointers at the driving range!
We headed up to Bear Lake last week to visit Chris's family again and we had a blast!We went to the lake one day....Annie brought all her kids and Jen brought cute little Tate! Millie and Rhonda and John came too! We had so much fun! Rhonda rented a wave runner for everyone. I didn't get any pictures though....but we had so much fun. Annistyn went on a ride on it with us really slow and she loved it! Annistyn loved the Lake, we were there all day and she just played in the Sand and water the whole time! She's our little fish. John has been building a Tree House down in the Hollows by there house! Chris was able to help him with it while we were there! It is every child's dream down there! There is the BIG Tree House high up in the trees, John built a Fire Pit, He built bridges over the two streams down there! Annistyn is going to love it next summer! We went on A LOT of 4 Wheeler rides while we are there! That's all Annistyn wanted to do! One night we went camping and went and picked Huckleberries! It was my first time....I love huckleberries in my cereal so I was so happy to go! It is a big tradition in Chris's family....they make all kinds of good things with them, my favorite is Huckleberry Cheesecake! Me and Annistyn have definately become addicted to them we eat them every morning w/our cereal! It was fun! Camping was fun we had a yummy breakfast in the morning with all the works! Yumm....
Annistyn & Tae are so funny together! When we were swimming the other day Tae was sharing some goggles with Annistyn and they loved them! They wouldn't take them off it was so funny! Annistyn Taelyn
We went to an Owls game last night w/the Flakes, Jones', the Sorensons and Sam. It was so fun! The kids had so much fun just playing on the grass and the game was exciting at the end! Me and Annistyn Happy Husband! Katie & Braydn Jess & Dyami would not look at the camera! Cute Savanah enjoying the game!