It was crazy we were watching the weather every hour and we planned out the time that we would miss the storms! So we left at 2 AM on Christmas Eve and drove through the night! The weather was good but scary at times. We got there at about 7:30 in the morning. We went in and laid out a lot of sleeping bags and broughT in the presents. My mom had cooked her yummy cinnamon rolls earlier and she warmed them up in the oven and we had Hot Chocolate ready! Chris had no idea we were coming and I called and told him I was here and to come to the church! Then when he drove up he saw three cars and our WHOLE family waiting there for him! It was so amazing! He was speechless! How grateful we are to have an amazing family that will do anything to make sure everyone in our family was happy on Christmas Day! Love you guys!
I love this time of year! I love that everyone is focused on serving others and giving! And how lucky we are to have such a big event and day set a side to celebrate our Savior! We spent two hours with Chris and then we had to get on the road to beat the next storm home! I can't believe we made it! The weather was pretty scary in some spots! Thanks to all who drove and stayed awake for 24 Hours! Well pretty much all of us!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! It was so good to see you last week, im so glad you got to be with Chris for Christmas, looks like you guys had a good glad you guys all made it back safe.
I love your family! What a great holiday memory you will have forever. I hope you and Chris are never ever apart again at Christmas!
K seriously how awesome is your family?!? I got choked up reading this! SOOO cute! I bet he LOVED it. :]
that is so cue that you guys did that, i got a little teary reading that. Families are the best!
That is so sweet of your family! I hope that you guys are doing has been way too long! Lets hang out PLEASE!!
That is a wonderful Christmas story. I love it.
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