Chris has always been into snow shoeing and loves it so we finally got me these fun new snow shoes a couple weeks ago but mine are blue! So I got to test them out this weekend!

Me and Chris went showshoeing kind of like these great looking people below.....anyway it was so fun! We put Annistyn down for a nap and Chris grabbed a gun of course in case he saw somethin and we were off! It was such a good work out I think I need to do it everyday! It was a blast.

Anyway as we were snow shoeing low and behold we saw TWO coyotes.....needless to say Chris was running after them to get a good shot and I was running after Chris just to keep up! It was way fun!

Also we did a lot of this......and this is pretty much what I look like when I am snow mobiling hahaha ya right! This is more of what Chris looks like!

After we had such a blast with our fam in Bear Lake we were heading home and we stopped in Logan at the Hardware Ranch! I have been wanting to go there all winter! It's a ranch where about 500 Elk winter. Anyway they load you up in a sleigh and pull you with horses right in the middle of the Elk! Your so close you could pet them! Oh they were beautiful! It was fun! Annistyn loved it!

Wow, that is awesome
I love your substitute pictures! they rock. nothing like pictures of perfect strangers. I always forget my camera for important things it drives me crazy! We love snow shoeing too. I haven't been able to go this winter cuz I'm fat but lets go next winter! it will be a blast!I'm jealouse you got to take a sleigh ride that sounds so fun!
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