Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Number 2!

What the heck lets do it again! We are pleased to anounce that we are expecting Baby #2 in August! Yay! We are so excited!


Jobi Niu said...

Cedar!! Yay. I'm SO EXCITED for you.. :) CONGRATS. How you been feeling?

Dyami said...

Yay!! Congrats! You're so good at keeping a secret, or I was just clueless the other night. I'm so happy for you, hope you're feeling well! OH, and sorry if I was a little aggressive in the game, I'll have to be a little gentler next time now that I know. :)

Annistyn was SO cute with June. She's going to be such a good helper for you and big sis.

Dani Em said...

SHEEEEEESH. Finally! I have been dying inside FOREVER. Can't wait for Hazyl and Baby G to be bestest friends forever!!

jayni & ben said...

yeahhhh. I am so excited. I knew you were going to have another one soon. How can you not. You make cute babies and you are Chris are wonderful parents:) Congrats!!

west's said...

Congrats!! So fun!! You're going to have such another cute little baby!! Having 2 is so fun because they have a little buddy to play with.

Abbie said...


Rowley's said...

Congratulations Gamblings! Cedar I hope you're feel well. How fun that you and Dani can have kids so close!

Jess said...

hey congratulations!! that is awesome, i'm so happy for you guys!

Arlene Heiner said...

Way to go Cedar Annistyn needs a little sister (or brother I guess). Congrats

Adam and Brittany said...

Congrats. We are about 1 week apart. It is fun to see how many of us are all pregnant at the same time.