It was Chris's Birthday today! Last night we had a party with the fam! It was great! We have such a fun family! Thanks for such a fun night! We had a fun day....we went to breakfast this morning which was DELICIOUS! Then we went to the mall and shopped around and to Uinta Golf! Then we drove the Alpine Loop home to AF! It was gorgeous! Don't you love Utah! I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful husband! We have so much fun matter what we're doing.....bowling, fishing, hiking, watching TV, running, playing cards! Chris is my rock, I don't know where I would be with out him! He is always cheering me up, surprising me, making me laugh, helping me clean and cook, and I could go on and on! I love everything about him......I love that he could seriously leave everything behind and go live in the mountains(This is actually his secret with!) I love how he gets giddy when he is waiting for Nate to come pick him up to go Golfing! I love that he can't sleep the night before the hunt! I love how he plays with Annistyn for HOURS and can't get sick of it! I love that he honors his priesthood! What a blessing he is to me in my life! Thanks for being the most wonderful Hustband and Father Ever babe! We love you! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Annistyn's present to Dad was that she slept in till 8:00 this morning!

Gotta Love the tired eyes!

When we were singing to Chris...Annistyn thought we were all singing to her! It was so funny!

Annistyn at Breakfast this morning! She is so still and polite can't you tell! haha

The leaves were beautiful! Especially with all the new snow on Timp!
Sounds like fun Ced! Anniston is adorable, and I'm glad Chris had such a good birthday! Love ya!
happy birthday Chris! i wish i would have know i would have called and sang a great birthday song to him! hope he had a good one!
Happy Birthday Chris!!
Well we're crappy friends!! That was sweet of you guys to come to the hospital to see us on his birthday... I had no idea! You should've said something! We love Chris and think he's the best!! Happy Birthday!
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