Nate's Birthday was last week! We had a fun family party for him! He is such an awesome Uncle! He is so cute with Annistyn! I love it! Annistyn had to help him open his presents and then make sure he didn't miss anything in the bags! Love you bro hope you had a wonderful Birthday!

Me and Chris painted some old dressers for my cute sister Dani who is getting married! They are kinda fun colors! That's totally Dani though! Her apartment will be cute! I love doing stuff like this with Chris we have so much fun!

We went to my friend Sarah's wedding on Friday! She looked so beautiful! She is going to be such a perfect wife! The wedding was beautiful and low key! I loved it! Love ya Sarah!

My Mom and I and Annistyn went shopping up at gate way a week ago when it was FRIDGED FREAKING COLD! Anyways we still had fun and found some good finds! P.S...isn't that the cutest Grandma you've ever seen! She's a freaken Hottie Bagotti! Love ya Mom!

I haven't blogged for a while it's just been a little crazy two weeks! Here's what's been happening!
love the dressers! colb would die if i tried to put them in our house! ha! she will love them!
So fun!! I think your Mom is beautiful! Oh, and the dressers are amazing! You are little miss crafty lately!! I can't wait to see that cute little girl tomorrow!
I adore Annistyn! She has this lil smile that she does that just lights up the room. She was doing it at the reception! Thank you so much for coming! I'm so happy you brought Chris and the babe! You're such a good friend! Thanks again! Loves, Sarah
Those are really cute dressers. Good job!! Annistyn is way too cute. Love her in that hat. And yes your mom is a hottie. Love your parents.
How about I hire you to come decorate my house? Paint it whatever color you want. Lynwood days were fun. With my personailty & ryan's personality, our kid is probably going to come out telling US that a spoon is a fork! We'll see. I love your blog and your little family is so cute. I'll be home for a month and a half during christmas, let's do lunch.
I LOVE those dressers. The colors are super cute & fun. & yes - your mom really is the cutest grandma ever. She's so cute.
Yeah - I'll have to let you know when we are going to come up again. I would love to see you & your cute baby. I've been so busy & haven't been up since May & so I really want to get up there soon. Where do you guys live? Did you buy a place in that area? My mom & dad just barely got released from the MTC so I don't know if you would know who they are. & my dad has had 2 surgeries in the last couple months so I'm not sure how often they've made it to church. But my mom is the one with bright white hair. Can't miss it. You'll have to go introduce yourself to her if you ever see her. They're down here in St. George right now for a couple weeks though. But go say hi.
-k- this is EXTREMELY long. Sorry. Tell your fam hi for me. Jess
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